domingo, 25 de julio de 2010



Because of their tremendous potential as a means of storing, transmitting, and distributing electricity, high-temperature superconducting materials, systems, and components are an important area of research within the Center for Basic Sciences.

Superconductivity is the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with essentially no resistive losses, which offers significant improvements in energy efficiency for electric power applications. After the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in 1986, researchers around the world quickly recognized the enormous potential of this technology. The superconducting systems of the future will allow us to transmit electricity through power lines much more efficiently than we now can.

A great deal of current research and development in high-temperature superconductivity focuses on the development of superconducting wires and other system components. Superconducting wires must be strong and flexible, and they must be capable of carrying a large amount of current a long distance in a magnetic field.

In the late 1980s, NREL pioneered a unique processing approach using electrodeposition. Since then, NREL has refined and extended the electrodeposition method to directly produce high-quality buffer layers and YBCO (yttrium barium copper oxide) films that can be implemented in a high-rate, cost-effective thick-film tape process.

NREL is currently working with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, IGC-SuperPower, American Superconductor Corporation, and several universities to apply our unique processing approaches to the demonstration of a biaxially textured thick-film tape of YBCO on a buffered textured metallic substrate. If successful, this tape should offer lower cost and superior performance to alternative candidates under development.

At NREL, superconductive coatings are made with this electrodeposition apparatus.

Nombre: Franklin J. Quintero C.
Asignatura: CRF
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